Release Notes and Modification History

(this README file is also available on the Fusion95 release media)

Search this list for fixed problems and new features

        ##  F u s i o n 9 5  ##

Version 6.06 - 03 May 2005
1. A problem with reported disksize with W95/W98 resolved

Version 6.05 - 06 April 2005
1. A problem with passthrough authentication resolved

Version 6.04 - 30 Mars 2005
1. The library-problem that went with 6.03 now fixed.

Version 6.03 - 27 July 2004
1. A library-problem when  installing on SCO 5.0.6
dynamic linker : /usr/fusion95/nbns: error opening /usr/lib/libsocket.so.2
installation script now makes sure that software packages "OSRcompat" is installed

1. A problem when opening files for execute from more than 1 client fixed.(AJO040607)

Version 6.00 - 12 May 2004
1. Faster FINDFIRST & FINDNEXT		(AJO030715)

2. Create with read-only now supported	(AJO030415-1)

3. An "too many files open" error fixed   (AJO030414)

4. In Guardian edit-files ( file type 101 ) a CR is appended to every line.
   This can be disabled by adding "guardian_cr=0" in pcserve.ini. (AJO030516)

5. A problem with Guardian edit files not being recognized fixed. (AJO030516-2)

6. A possibility to give Guardian edit files ( file type 101 ) another extension
   than the default value (.TXT) added. This is done by adding "guardian_extU=EXT"
   for uppercase extension and "guardian_extL=ext" for lower case. (AJO030612&AJO031104)

7. A problem with MSOffice and Windows 2000 fixed. (AJO030705)

8. Special German characters now supported in Guardian edit files. (AJO031207)

9. A problem with Guardian edit file extension fixed. (AJO031208)

10.A problem with a Guardian edit file simultanously opened from more than one
   workstation fixed. (AJO031222)

11.A problem with error messages when connection with a printer server is lost
   fixed. (AJO031227 AJO031228)

12.A problem with Guardian edit files greater then 2K fixed. (AJO040121)

Version 5.04.1 - 19 Mar 2001

1. pcserve: The following was just a problem on the Dec Alpha platform:
   Since the Dec Alpha is a 64 bit architecture and is strict on alignment
   in some cases, the PASSTHRU_SHM structure added in ver 5.00 was not
   align to be a multiple of 64 bits.  The way we compute addresses to other
   structures within the shared memory, caused misalignment exception traps
   to be generated.  This produced error messages on the console, and the
   exception routine was not always able to fix the problem.  So again:
   this is only a problem on the Dec Alpha platform, other platforms can
   use either ver 5.04 or 5.04.1.

Version 5.04 - 8 Feb 2001

1. pcserve: Added a check that WRITE access has been set for shared drive
   a) if the file exists and the TRUNCATE_EXISTING_FILE is set.
   b) before setting write access if the rwshare flag requested it.

2. pcserve: Added a check in cufs.c get_fid so that a negative fid returns
   an error.

3. pcserve: passthrough_server specified as  domain\ip-addr is handled OK.
   Now uses the NEG+SESS method in that case.

4. license: compiler on HPUX generated code that caused the days until
   expiration date to be computed incorrectly. Modified code to work on all

5. pcserve: passthru now echoes the client's primary domain name from the
   client's sesssetup request. Then in a multiple domain scenario the
   passthrough server can find out the client's domain. If the client's
   domain is not the same as the domain of the passthrough server, then
   the passthrough server will check if it has a trust to the domain of
   the client. If there is a trust, then the passthrough server will contact
   the domain controller in the client's domain and have the user
   authenticated. So this was only a problem in a multiple domain environment
   where users in more than one domain needed access to the Fusion95 server.

Version 5.03 - 2 Dec 2000

1. pcserve: Checking for when passthrough authentication can be used
   corrected. Before it could also be activated in share level mode.

2. pcserve: In Unix security level (secmode=1) and password encryption
   (pwcrypt=1), the encrypted password can get modified by a filtering
   through a tolower routine, even if passthrough authentication
   is in process. This would make the encrypted password garbled and the
   password verification will fail.

3. pcconfig: When adding user from command line password and home directory
   is no longer required parameters.

4. pcserve: When using User Level security (secmode=3) and passthrough
   authentication is activated, if the user does not exist in the Fusion95
   user database, a lookup of the special name "__DEFAULT__" will be done.
   If the entry is not found an error will be returned, and no passthrough
   authentication will take place.
   If the entry is found, the unix user name in the entry will be verified.
   If a valid user, then the passthrough authentication will take place,
   of course with the original user name.
   This way when you have a large number of users in the Windows network,
   you do not need to add all of them in the Fusion95 user data base.
   They will be authenticated on your NT domain controller, and mapped to
   the user profile in the "__DEFAULT__" entry in the Fusion95 user database.
   To activate this feature you add a user "__DEFAULT__" and fill in the
   properties you want to assign to this default user.
   To deactivate this feature you delete the "__DEFAULT__" user.

Version 5.02 - 28 Nov 2000

1. code for licensing now also works on Intel platform (LSB-MSB).

Version 5.01 - 21 Nov 2000

1. pcserve: Keyword in pcserve.ini "passthrough_server":  Normally
   you specify "DomainName\ServerName". ServerName can now be specified
   as a ip-address in dot notation (a.b.c.d).
   If the server is on the other side of a router, then you leave out
   the DomainName and specify "\ServerName". If you specify a name,
   then the name must be able to be resolved into a ip-address in dot

Version 5.00 - 15 Nov 2000

1. pcserve: Implemented passthrough authentication. New keyword in
   pcserve.ini is "passthrough_server".  You specify
   "DomainName\ServerName".  This should specify a Domain Controller.
   More than one server can be specified to allow for redundancy.
   Separate the entries with a semicolon.

2. pcconfig: When configuring users and passthrough authentication
   is active, then no user password is needed.

3. pcconfig: Implemented user add and delete from command line.

Version 4.04 - 4 Aug 2000

1. pcserve: Better support for less than in wild card matching
   as used by Windows 2000.

Version 4.03.8 - 26 Jan 2000

1. Disk paths in all uppercase are no longer converted to
   lowercase. Previously paths such as /G were converted
   to /g. Requires Fusion95 4.03.8 and F95Admin 1.08.

Version 4.03.7 - 18 Jan 2000

1. pcserve: Failure to lock a record with SMBlockingX now returns
   ERRDOS-ERRlock instead of ERRnoaccess. A failed lock with SMBlock
   already returned this error. This seemed to give problems on NT,
   but not on Win95 systems, even though both used SMBlockingX.

2. pcconfig: No correctly reports errors if the windows size is less
   than 80 cols or less than 24 lines.

Version 4.03.6 - 17 Jan 2000

1. smbprtup: Improved error messages.

2. Support of Multiple Networks (Socket Transport Agents) on Himalaya
   servers. Implemented using the -l option. Note that on UNIX machines,
   Fusion95 will already run on all TCP/IP interfaces on all Network

   To enable a second Socket Transport Agent, do the following:

   # cd /usr/fusion95/cfg

   ..copy the configuration files
   # cp uname0 uname1
   # cp domain0 domain1
   # cp network0 network1

   ..on some systems, you might also have an interface file:
   # cp interface0 interface1

   ..edit the new files as approprite. The socket transport agents
   (network? files) must be different. The server name (uname? files)
   should probably be different. The domain name (domain? files) can
   be the same.
   # vi *1

   Support for additional Socket Transport Agents may be configured in
   the same manner.

Version 4.03.5 - 22 Nov 1999

1. pcconfig: Now converts Himalaya NSK user-id to OSS User-id.  If the
   NSK User-id and Group-id are entered then the OSS User-id will be
   calculated automatically.  If the OSS User-id is entered, then the
   NSK User-id and Group-id will be calculated automatically.

2. pcserve: Always re-reads the license file every time a workstation

Version 4.03.4 - 01 Nov 1999

1. pcserve: Himalaya now uses ftrucate instead of copy to truncate a file.

Version 4.03.3 - 27 Sep 1999

1. pcserve: Tested with Windows 2000 - Release Candidate 1 - Build 2072

2. pcserve: Values returned in SMB header flags and flags2 now updated.

3. pcserve: Support for double quote ("), less than (<) and greater than (>)
   in wild card matching.

4. pcserve: both parameters and data in a trans2 packet are now 32-bit

5. pcserve: supports NT extended file attributes.

6. pcserve: always reports the size of a directory as zero.

7. pcserve: -o1 level tracing of trans2 improved

Version 4.03.2 - 15 Sep 1999

1. Adds support for the /usr/fusion95/cfg/interface0 file. This can be
   used to specify the interface configuration. Creating such a file
   will override the normal ioctl calls. It contains one or more lines
   of the format:

   Name IP-Address Network-Mask Broadcast-Address

   For example:


   Use this feature on systems where ioctl obtaining the interface isn't
   support, or when you don't want to start Fusion95 on all of the
   available interfaces.

Version 4.03.1 - 6 Sep 1999

1. pcserve - the directory search table has had the mask size increased
   from 64 to 260 bytes. Previously files with names longer than 64
   characters would not be seen when searched for specifically by name,
   but would be seen when the whole direectory was searched (mask of *.*).

2. AIX 4.3.2 (and maybe even 4.3) has changed the format of the Network
   Interface Configuration table. This new format is now supported.

Version 4.03 - 2 Sep 1999

1. pcconfig will now allow user password of up to 32 characters in length
   (was max 15) and removes the restrictions of special charaters from the
   user password (e.g. no period/dot allowed). Passwords over 15 characters
   and containing a dot have always been configurable from F95ADMIN.

Version 4.02.11 - 6 Aug 1999

1. Better supports printing via lp on UnixWare 7. Jobs bigger than 34 KB
   will not get stopped in the lp queue after printing the first 34 KB.

2. Better trace output in smbprtup.

Version 4.02.10 - 27 Jul 1999

1.  pcserve: now accepts connections to *SMBSERVER as well as server name.

2.  Tandem: removed pcserve -s and -S options, and replaced them with the
    /usr/fusion95/cfg/network0 file. This is configured at install time.

3.  Tandem: localhost is now defined as in nbas and nbds.

4.  Second preview version on Compaq/Tandem Himalaya NonStop Server.

Version 4.02.9 - 9 Jul 1999

1.  pcserve: -s and -S options added to allow Tandem to set the name of
    the transport provider process.

Version 4.02.8 - 2 Jul 1999

1.  Better tracing added to trans2.

2.  First preview version on Compaq/Tandem Himalaya NonStop Server.

Version 4.02.7 - 30 Jun 1999

1.  Sometimes NT sends an invalid second password length when not
    encrypting, and thus a user cannot logon. This is now set to zero.
    It is normally only seen when running with secmode=1.

Version 4.02.6 - 28 Jun 1999

1.  Install now creates files /usr/fusion95/sys/passwd and
    /usr/fusion95/sys/group for use by F95ADMIN browse buttons.

2.  pcserve: the SMB search packets can now be used to return long file
    names in mangled 8dot3 format when running with a CIFS client.
    This occasionally caused problems when running old 16-bit software
    (such as HtmlWriter) in a 32-bit Windows with a Fusion95 server.

Version 4.02.5 - 18 Jun 1999

1.  Added better error reporting on semaphore errors.

2.  Added trace 16384 for printers.

Version 4.02.4 - 7 Jun 1999

1.  Problems with on-local-lan question in smbprt.sh fixed.

2.  The smbprt.sh now displays a message if it cannot verify the config.

3.  Code added for Tandem Non-Stop.

4.  A null unixname= in the user database causes the username specified
    on the pc to be used as the UNIX user name.

Version 4.02.3 - 25 May 1999

1.  Linux port now tested on RedHat, Caldera and SuSE.

2.  Removed the RedHat specific commands from the automatic startup
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/fusion95 script.

3.  The Linux f95start script will take down the dummy0 interface
    if it is configured. This is required to make broadcasts work
    on SuSE Linux.

4.  Recognises samba installed as samba in addition to smb. This
    provides a better installation on Caldera Linux.

5.  Includes crypt to support Caldera.

Version 4.02.2 - 21 May 1999

1.  The following triggers now have quotes to allow for file and
    path names containing spaces.

    !n filename; no path
    !f filename; path from root
    !d directory; path from root
    !F filename; path from share
    !D directory; path from share

Version 4.02.1 - 17 May 1999

1.  Linux release tar file now has absolute path. (i.e. from /tmp/...
    and not from tmp/...)

2.  /usr/fusion95/fusion95 script added.

Version 4.02 - 12 Apr 1999

1.  f95stop: no longer creates a wbeacon0.log file. This allows f95stop
    to be run from a CD file system without displaying an error.

2.  Support for Linux.

Version 4.01 - 6 Apr 1999

1.  pcserve: the maximum pathname size is now 260 characters.

Version 4.00 - 31 Mar 1999

1.  Released

2.  Requires Fusion95 4.0 license code (will not run with a version 3 code)

3.  smbprt.sh now makes sure that the configuration files can be read by
    user, group and other.

4.  SCO now copies the standard model to /usr/fusion95 before using it
    in lp to print output.

5.  Now makes sure that non encrypted passwords sent from a client are
    not case sensitive. A client can now send lower case passwords, instead
    of the normal upper case passwords. This was important when using
    smbprtup as a client.

6.  Install warns for previously installed: SCO TPI NetBIOS for TCP/IP

7.  Files created near a new year in non-GMT timezones now have their
    last modified and last accessed times correctly set.

8.  The file create time is now returned as the lowest non-zero value of
    the ctime, atime, mtime values held in the UNIX file system.

9.  Problems with MS Office open dialog sending a null pathname to obtain
    the disk attributes have been fixed.

10. Problems with triggers fixed.

Version 4.00.m - 15 Mar 1999

1. Server doesn't stop (as seen on AIX) if it fails to do a setsockopt when
   a session is connected.

2. Supports mixed case directories and 8.3 access to long directory names
   by default. Set mixedcasedir=0 in pcserve.ini to disable.

3. Pcserve tries to detect connections from PCs in user level security which
   require encrypted passwords when Fusion95 has encrypted passwords disabled,
   and will display a warning message to the log file.

4. Better supports printing via lp on UnixWare 7.

5. NET LOGON server for non-WinNT machines is now part of the standard
   Fusion95 package and not an add-on. It can be enabled by running the
   command /usr/fusion95/install/logon and disabled by running the
   command /usr/fusion95/install/logon off

6. ulevel script to configure the server with Enhanced User-Level
   security, has been renamed /usr/fusion95/install/ulevel

7. Warns for visionfs package already installed on UnixWare and will remove
   it if so desired.

Version 4.00.l - 3 Mar 1999

1. Problems with session setup of WfW workstations with password encryption
   enabled when Fusion95 is running in user-level have been fixed.

2. Problems with session setup of WinNT-SP3 and Win98 workstations with
   password encryption enabled when Fusion95 is running in user-level have
   been fixed.

3. nbns no longer logs packets it does not recognise unless tracing is
   enabled. The option -n32 has been provided to do this.

4. pipe opens no longer cause error messages to be written to NT's event
   log. pcserve now returns ERRSRV-4 instead of ERRSRV-1. These pipe
   open requests are usually generated by browsing the file system
   (e.g. with NT Explorer).

5. a problem with defunct processes caused by the implementation
   of triggers has been fixed.

Version 4.00.k - 21 Feb 1999

1. Problems implemented in ver 4.00.b with directory search now fixed.

Version 4.00.j - 19 Feb 1999

1. Problems implemented in 4.00.i with DOS based file finds have been fixed.

Version 4.00.i - 4 Feb 1999

1. Paths with long names, can now be accessed using their 8.3 short name.
   Set mixedcasedir=1 in pcserve.ini to enable. One problem was executing
   AniTa from within the setup screen. This passed the open file path of
   \PROGR~B9\ANITA\ANITA.EXE and not \Program Files\AniTa\anita.exe

2. Names containing zero are now valid with Enhanced User-Level security.

Version 4.00.h - 2 Feb 1999

1. pcserve will no longer terminate on a TCP/IP error from accept().
   pcserve will thus survive serious network errors.

2. pcconfig now has the options -A, -U and -P.

3. ulevel.sh script added to configure the server with Enhanced User-Level

Version 4.00.g - 28 Jan 1999

1. smbprt.sh no gives a default bcast value even when upgrading from
   lprt??.cfg files without $$bcast entries.

Version 4.00.f - 25 Jan 1999

1. Support of Linux added.

2. Name mangling now ignores a leading dot in the long filename, and
   puts a hash in the last 2 bytes of the filename following the tilde.

3. Files with long names, can now be accessed using their 8.3 short name.
   One problem was running InfoExplorer's Properties on an executable
   file with a non-8dot3 name.

4. smbprtup -w option now fixed.

Version 4.00.e - 12 Jan 1999

1. Security Type has been removed from pcconfig.

2. The $$bcast yes or $$bcast no option can now be added to the smbprtup
   configuration file. If the printer is on the same local LAN and can
   be reached by broadcasts this should be set to yes. Otherwise to no.

3. The maxmux= option has been added to pcserve.ini (default 1).

4. smbprtup message "error reading pipe" now only printed when trace is
   turned on.

5. No longer supports install-time upgrade from POWERfusion config files.

Version 4.00.d - 16 Dec 1998

1. Implements trigger tracing. Set triggers=2 in pcserve.ini to enable
   triggers with trace.

2. The [disks] section has now been added to the triggers file. Use this
   section to disable triggers on each disk. To disable triggers on a
   specific disk name set it to a null value (e.g. disk1=). To disable
   triggers on all but a certain tree within a disk set the disk name
   to the value of the root of the tree within the disk (e.g. disk2=/tmp).
   The default which enable triggers on the whole disk is a value of /
   (e.g. disk3=/ is the same as no disk3 entry).

3. smbprtup has a -e option to continue if a pipe error occurs.

Version 4.00.c - 02 Dec 1998

1. Implements triggers. Set triggers=1 in pcserve.ini to enable triggers.

2. Share-level resources without passwords will now be mounted even if
   a password is specified when doing the net use.

3. AIX 3.25 printer scripts lprt00 can now print from multiple different

4. smbprtup no longer dies if it receives a tcp/ip datagram error.
   (also added in version 3.30.a)

5. smbprtup no longer gets an EINTR after 3 seconds of printing.
   (also added in version 3.30.a).  This problem used to cause printing
   through the /dev/lprtxx devices to fail and the smbprtup process running
   in the background to terminate after the first print job or after 3
   seconds of the first print job.

6. pcserve allows mixed case directories.

Version 4.00.b - 19 Aug 1998

1. Remote administration now enable by default for new installations.

2. POWERLan shared disks no longer shared by default for new installations.

Version 4.00.a - 22 Jun 1998

1. Support of encrypted passwords has been added to pcserve. This should not
   be used with secmode=1. The pwcrypt=0 option in pcserve.ini can be used
   to revert to the previos behaviour.

    ================= extract from pcserve.ini documentation =================

    The pwcrypt value tells the server whether to enable or disable password
    encryption. When password encryption is disabled, the use of plain
    text paswords is forced. When password encryption is enabled, encrypted
    passwords will be used by workstations that support that feature (such
    as NT and Windows95) and plain text passwords will be used by earlier
    workstations (such as WfW and DOS LANMAN).

    Note 1: The use of password encryption requires that the NT_LM_012
    protocol is being used (see smbprotocol=).

    Note 2: Some workstations (such as NT4 with SP3) require that the
    server supports encrypted password (unless this feature has been
    turned off in the NT registry).

      Disable   0
      Enable    1

    The default is:

      pwcrypt=0 if secmode is set to 1
      pwcrypt=1 if secmode is not set to 1

    =============== end extract from pcserve.ini documentation ===============

2. The logging= parameter in the pcserve.ini file no longer supports the

3. The pwcaseguess= option has been added to the pcserve.ini file.

    ================= extract from pcserve.ini documentation =================

    This option makes the support of NT case sensitive passwords configurable
    when using password encryption. This does not apply when running on non-NT
    workstations or when using plain text passwords.

    NT passwords are case sensitive, and the NT user should specify the correct
    password in the correct case in order to access a Fusion95 resource. If
    pwcaseguess=1 is set (the default) then if the NT user enters an all upper
    case or all lower case password this will match any case of password
    configured in Fusion95. (Note this is compatible with NT accessing a
    Windows95 workstation).

    Setting pwcaseguess=0 requires the NT user to specify the correct password
    in the correct case.

    =============== end extract from pcserve.ini documentation ===============

4. pcconfig no longer forces all passwords to upper case. Passwords entered
   using an earlier version of pcconfig will have been forced to upper case.

5. Remote administration can now be enable in pcconfig.

6. Adds secmode=3. This requires a user database and allows encrypted
   passwords to be used together with user level security.

7. User database can now be configured in pcconfig.

8. Supports F95ADMIN.EXE (ver 1.00)

Version 3.29 - 22 Jun 1998

1. Correct disk sizes are now returned to NT.

2. smbprtup now prints signal to stderr before termination.

3. SCO: smbprtup /dev/lprt?? now started with nohup.

4. Install: Catalogs ./boot, ./users and ./users/groups are now created
   on all platforms (even those that don't normally create empty catalogs).

Version 3.28 - 9 Mar 1998

1.  Can now print from Win95 to Fusion95 using "COPY FILE \\FUSION\PRINTER".
    Win95 issues a getatr and expects an ERRDOS-5 in return.

2.  Info Explorer now correctly reports and can change read-only files.

3.  Problems in Windows95 when executing 16-bit DLL files located on Fusion95
    have been fixed.

Version 3.27 - 17 Jan 1998

1.  Installation now checks to see if another NetBIOS for TCP/IP is already

2.  Installation now stops Fusion95 if it is running.

3.  If sending of datagrams fails, a program is no longer terminated. This
    happened occaisionally on heavily loaded SCO Open Server 5 systems

Version 3.26 - 17 Dec 1997

1.  nbns and nbas now add support for multiple network cards.

2.  pcserve now supports characters with accents in long filenames.

3.  pcserve now decrements user count correctly for core level workstations
    and printer clients.

4.  pcserve no longer exceeds the workstation negotiated buffer size when
    sending a list of shared resources. If necessary it attempts to reduce
    the buffer usage by not sending comments in order to get as many
    shared resources as possible into the buffer.

5.  pcserve: the option dontbrowsenetlogon=1 added to pcserve.ini in order to
    stop the NETLOGON disk from being displayed in the browse window.

6.  pcserve: the option checkbrowseaccess=1 added to pcserve.ini in order to
    stop disks that do not have read access from appearing in the browse

7.  nbds: the -c option has been added to disable CIFS style logons. Only
    LAN Manager / WfW style requests will be answered.

8.  Domain/Workgroup names with 15 characters are now supported. Previously
    the maximum length was 14 characters.

Version 3.25 - 10 Nov 1997

1.  '-' now accepted as a part of the node name.

2.  UNIX change password now supported from WfW 3.11 and W95.
    Use W95 command 'net password \\servername'  from a DOS-box
    to change password.
    Use WfW 'Network settings' from the 'Control panel' to change password.
    See .../cfg/inifile.txt for configuration details.

3.  The printer client can configure 1000 printers (00-999 instead of 00-99).
    Change /usr/fusion/smbprt.sh 'maxprinters' to "99" if there is a need
    to restrict the number of allowed printers to 99.

4.  smbprtup: now reports error codes if the tree connect fails.

5.  nbas: now uses name_query_request prior to node_status_request in
    order to work correctly with NT 4.0

6.  nbns: no longer terminates if sendto fails.

7.  nbas: exit codes changed: 0 = status obtained ok

8.  smbprt.sh/smbprtup: username can now be configured

9.  smbprtup: -v option added

10. smbprt.sh: uses nbas -f and smbprtup -v to attempt to verify configuration

11. pcserve: fixed problems with file locking on newly created files.

12. pcserve: the option endofsearch=1 added to pcserve.ini in order to
    close directories at then of search. This helps with programs such as
    zetafax32 which didn't always close the directory and after use and
    thus got a unix error 24 (0x18) too many open files.

13. Problems with file times, timezones and daylight savings time now fixed.

14. 64-bit values such as CIFS file lengths are now correctly written on
    32-bit machines (i.e. zero-filled).

15. Fixed problems when max number of users exceed.

16. New logo for fusion95 menu.

Version 3.24 - 30 July 1997

1.  Pcserve: The share-level security "security type" option is not always
    ignored when running with user-level security.

2.  Support for DAVE client on MAC added.

3.  nbns: Ignores recursion desired bit in query request.

4.  pcserve: openX now always fills the optional information fields.

5.  pcserve: trans2 FindFirst and FindNext now sets the end of search bit
    only when the search count is zero.

6.  pcserve: trans2 now implements the TRANS/IPC trace mechanism (bit 4096).

7.  pcserve: readBraw now returns an empty buffer when the client requests
    data from a file with an invalid handle. Previously the session was

8.  pcserve: setsockopt and tcptimeout options added to pcserve.ini file.

9.  pcserve: rfc_write now loops if neccessary.

10. pcserve: the maximum pathname size is now 260 characters.

11. pcserve: file truncation is now supported on M88K SVR32 platform. This
    caused problems with Word7 (Office95). This has always worked on all
    other platforms.

12. pcserve: problems with "Bus Error" occuring when searching or executing
    a file in a non-existant catalog on M88K SVR32 platform.

Version 3.23 - 11 March 1997

1.  Pcconfig: Now validates the length of input strings for spooler name
    and options.

2.  Alpha version of nbds now added.

3.  Wbeacon: the -z option has been added. This is now executed when the
    server is stopped to remove the host name from the browser list(s).

4.  Wbeacon: the default frequency has been increased to 30 seconds, in
    order to reduce network overhead.

5.  Pcserve: The rewindonseek=1 option can now be added to pcserve.ini to
    resolve directory seek problems on older Digital UNIX implementations.

6.  Pcserve: The homecase parameter has been implemented in the pcserve.ini
    file to specify the filename case used on a users home disk. The default
    is lower case (homecase=1) and can be changed to upper case (homecase=0).

7.  Pcserve: The internalcharset= option has been added to pcserve.ini.
    Set this to internalcharset=1 to convert filenames to ISO8859.

8.  Nbns: The -z option has now been added. The command "nbns -z" is now
    run automatically by install, pfstart and pfcheck. This verifies the
    contents of the /etc/hosts file.

Version 3.22 - 31 January 1997

1.  Pcserve: The use of 64KB buffers is now correctly enabled when the
    NT_LM_012 protocol is used. This has always worked when the LANMAN_10
    and/or MICROSOFT_NETWORKS_30 were negotiated. This speeds up the
    performance of 95/NT workstations using long file names.

2.  Pcserve: SMBgetatr now returns file time in correct format.

3.  Pcserve: The SMBcreate, SMBmknew and SMBopenX commands can now be used
    to set the file modified time on creation.

4.  Pcserve: Problems with using international character sets introduced
    in 3.21 (on SVR4 ports) have been fixed.

5.  Wbeacon: With the -n option enabled, now shows the broadcast addresses.

6.  SVR4: Now installs the startup scripts as S70 & K70 instead of S69 & K69.
    This ensures that S69inet is correctly started before Fusion95.

7.  Install: The default installation now enables NT_LM_012 protocol to
    allow Window95 and NT to use long filenames. The default security is
    SHARE LEVEL; this allows newly installed systems to work immediately.

Version 3.21 - 28 January 1997

0.  Sco: The default lp spooler in a SCO system now has the -c option as

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and a
    directory search using trans2 is performed. The "close search after
    request" and "close search if end of search found" flags are now
    supported. FIND_NEXT requests are now permitted even following a
    non-generic FIND_FIRST.

2.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95/NT client performs a DIR. The compare mask routine
    has been extended.

3.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95/NT client uses the old search protocol. Even 8.3 files
    with "wrong" case are now returned.

4.  Pcserve: Generic unlink now works for long filenames.

5.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95 client tries to access a Fusion95 server.
    Windows95 sometimes uses wrong case names when referring to files,
    in the following commands:
    - unlink (delete)
    - move (rename)
    - open
    - open and x
    - create
    - mknew

6.  Pcserve: adds options to the logging parameter in pcserve.ini.
    - option "show even passwords" (256)
    - option "show even ipc tree connects" (512)

7.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95 client tries to access a Fusion95 server.
    - when long file names are "guessed", both filenames must be of
      the same length.

8.  Pcserve: An lseek to before the start of file now positions to the
    start of file.

Version 3.20 - 6 December 1996

1.  Pcserve: Enhances the "DosPrintQueueGetInfo" LANMAN pipe command.

    - Support has been added for levels 0, 3 and 4 (in addition to
      levels 1 and 2). These new levels are used by NT.

    - The existing levels 1 and 2 (as used by WfW and 95) have been
      enhanced to return the lp command used in the comment field.

Version 3.19 - 4 December 1996

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when "MS NET 3" extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows client tries to lock a file on a Fusion95 server.

2.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95 client tries to access a Fusion95 server.

    - setatr: Win95 sometimes uses all upper case names when referring to
      programs even if they have mixed case names.

3.  Pcserve: SMBtrans fixed a problem with printing from Win95 added in 3.18.

Version 3.18 - 18 November 1996

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95 client tries to access a Fusion95 server.

    - openX: Win95 sometimes uses all upper case names when referring to
      programs even if they have mixed case names.

2.  Pcserve: SMBtrans commands now work from NT 4.0

Version 3.17 - 7 November 1996

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when Win95 extended protocol is set, and
    a Windows95 client tries to print to a Fusion95 server.

    -  openX (file open) is now supported to open a printer spooler
       in addition to the core protocol splopen (spooler open).

Version 3.16 - 5 November 1996

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when NT/Win95 extended protocol is set to
    enable support for long filenames.

    -  directory scanning works (more than once).

    -  copy (and paste) works with NT 4.0.

Version 3.15 - 25 Oktober 1996

1.  Pcserve: Fixes problems when NT/Win95 extended protocol is set to
    enable support for long filenames.

    -  Support of TRANS2_QFILEINFO and TRANS2_SETFILEINFO added.

    -  SMBmove (rename) now supports long file names.

    -  Files can now be opened/saved with Word95.

    -  Swedish character set now supported in long filenames.

2.  Pcserve: A password of single-space is now considered to be no-password.

Version 3.14 - 2 Oktober 1996

1.  Pcserve: check path no longer displays a message in the log file.

2.  Pcserve: preview version for long filename support. To enable long filename
    support, the NT_LM_012 protocol is required: set smbprotocol=35 in the
    pcserve.ini file. This requires a Win95 or WinNT client.

Version 3.13 - 26 September 1996

1.  Pcserve: no longer returns a cluster size of 65636. This is because WfW
    treats this a zero, giving a disk size of zero. Instead 65635 is returned.

Version 3.12 - 16 September 1996

1.  Pcserve: a pcserve.cfg file with no shared resources is no longer invalid.

2.  DEC: fixed a problem in the lp install script updateing /etc/printcap

3.  Supports Solaris 2.5 on a SUN SPARC.

4.  SCO: makes sure that even empty catalogs are created at install time.

5.  nbas: now defaults to finding network nodes (redirectors). Use the -f
    option to force nbas to find file servers.

6.  pcserve.ini: now allows leading spaces.

7.  pcserve.cfg: DEFAULT is now a permitted printer spooler command.

8.  pcserve: attempting to dynamically use a resource with an invalid
    password now returns bad password instead of invalid resource name.

9.  pcserve: programs on the server can now be executed from multiple windows
    workstations simultaneously without needing to be read-only.

Version 3.11 - 6 September 1996

1.  Browsing: Improved support for browsing, especially in networks with
    Windows NT and Master Browse Servers.

2.  wbeacon: Beacon is now CIFS compatible rather than OS/2 LAN Manager.

3.  pcserve: Length of SMBtrans response is now correct (was too long). These
    extra characters were ignored on all platforms, except NT which ignored
    the WHOLE packet.

4.  Default protocol now includes LANMAN_10 and MICROSOFT_NETWORKS_30. This
    allow for browsing and full advantage of SMB's enhanced features.

5.  Default security is now USER_LEVEL.

Version 3.10 - 26 August 1996

1.  smbprtup: the default netbios name from which the call is made is now
    the server name. Specifying the -u option will change this name (in
    addition to putting the username into the SMB spooler open packet).
    This is of use when connecting to a USER-LEVEL server such as Windows NT
    (or in some cases Windows95). In these cases the name from which the
    call is name is used as the user name for authorization purposes, and
    the printer resource password as the user password. Note that this
    name should always be in upper case because the USER-LEVEL server expects
    a workstation name.  Previous versions always used the name "ROBERTA".

2.  pcserve: read-only files can now be record-locked if opened exclusivly.

3.  pcserve: fixes problems in the open files table. This caused symtoms such
    as error "Invalid handle" being wrongly returned.

4.  pcserve: the settings specified in pcserve.ini have been changed to
    correctly reflect the documentation.

5.  wbeacon & beacon & nbns: now trap SIGHUP and SIGINT on all platforms.

6.  pcserve: in USER LEVEL security NET USE of disks is no longer allowed if
    the user does not have at least read access to the resources home

Version 3.10i - 6 June 1996 - Beta version

1.  pcserve: Directory Shift value is now configurable in pcserve.ini.
    (e.g. dirposshift=2)

2.  smbprtup: A meaninful error message is now returned if the printer server
    could not be found either by broadcasting a get name request or seaching
    the /etc/hosts file via gethostbyname().

3.  pcserve: The maximum disk disk and free disk size returned by pcserve is
    now configurable in pcserve.ini specified in KB (e.g. maxdisksize=1000000).

Version 3.10h - 29 May 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: The SMBtconX response now only returns the device id in the
    data field when LANMAN 2.1 or greater protocol is negotiated.

2.  Pcserve: Support of shadow password files added.

3.  Tested on Intel SVR4.

4.  Tested on Intel SCO OpenServer V.

5.  Pcserve: Directory Shift value is now 2 for Intel SCO OpenServer V.

Version 3.10g - 15th May 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: Group access permission is no longer required to create a file.
    (It's enough with just user access permission !).

2.  Tested on DEC OSF/1 3.2

Version 3.10f - 12th May 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: Numeric values in the pcserve.ini file can now be specified as
    octal (leading zero) or hexadecimal (leading 0x). Thus the following
    three lines would all have the same effect:


Version 3.10e - 7th May 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: The SMBtrans command now returns the correct Workgroup/Domain name
    in the Get Workstation Info packet. Previously it always returned
    "WORKGROUP". This could cause problems when browsing.

2.  Pcserve: Log file output is now flushed immediately.

3.  Pcserve: Logging has been enhanced to be able to log errors.

4.  Pcserve: Session keep alive packets no longer cause a warning message to
    be displayed with unknown tcp packet 85 00 00 00.

Version 3.10d - 2nd May 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: If the bind fails the program will retry. This problem sometimes
    occurs is the server is stopped with existing sessions and the quickly
    restarted without giving time for the sessions to time-out. Pcserve will
    now wait for the old sessions to time-out before starting.

2.  Pcserve: Now used rename() to rename a file instead of link() and unlink().
    Fixes problems on some systems (including AIX) when trying to rename a
    file without being root.

3.  Pcserve: The home* parameters have been implemented in the pcserve.ini
    file to automatically share a users home disk when in user level security.

Version 3.10c - 26th March 1996 - Beta version

Note: This version adds much better support for NT workstations and the
LANMAN 1.0 protocol.

1.  Smbprtup: Now converts server name to upper case (even if server name was
    found in /etc/hosts with lower case).

2.  Pcserve: Support for SMB commands find-first, find-unique and find-close
    added. These are required by NT and LANMAN when an Enhanced SMB protocol
    has been negotiated.

3.  Pcserve: Packets with invalid TIDs now return the correct error.

4.  Pcserve: The SMBwrite and SMBwriteX commands can now be used to write data
    to a printer (in addition to SMBsplwr and SMBwriteBraw). Required by NT.

5.  Pcserve: The SMBclose command can now be used to close a printer (in
    addition to SMBsplclose). Required by NT.

6.  Pcserve: The SMB get extended file attribute command is now supported.

7.  Pcserve: The SMB read and x command now returns 12 words even if the
    LAMMAN 1.0 protocol is negotiated.

8.  Pcserve: The SMB locking and x command is now supported. This is uses by
    MS WORD when opening a file.

Version 3.10b - 3rd March 1996 - Beta version

1.  Pcserve: Enhanced Protocol version.
    Supports LANMAN 1.0 and MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3.0 protocols.

2.  Pcserve: Now has an ini file (/usr/fusion95/cfg/pcserve.ini) for advanced
    configuration options.

3.  Pcserve: Now supports SHARE LEVEL security

4.  Pcserve: Has enhanced and configurable logging options.

5.  Pcserve: Can now use 64KB "big buffers" for enhanced protocol raw read
    and raw write commands.

6.  Problems with lprt00 script using /usr/fusion instead of /usr/fusion95
    have been fixed.

7.  Error messages returned by nbns and nbas have been clarified when no
    localhost entry can be found in /etc/hosts.

8.  On SCO: f95stop is now copied to /etc/rc0.d/K88f95stop and
    /etc/rc1.d/K88f95stop (instead of f95start !).

9.  Pcserve -M does not return an error if there isn't any shared memory

10. Pcserve: Now supports dynamic tree connects, via the UNC.
    For example:
    Instead of:
       NET USE F: \\FUSION95\TMP
       NET USE F: /D

11. Pcserve: Attempting to use a disabled IPC$ resource returns

12. Pcserve: The SMBsplretq command now returns zero queue entries.

13. Pcserve: The SMBsplwr will no longer trace data unless the WRITE DATA TRACE
    flag is set.

14. Pcserve: If the spooler cannot be executed to print a print job, then the
    errno is now also written to the log file.

15. Smbprtup: Traps signal EINTR in network read routine. This caused some big
    print jobs to terminate prematurly.

Version 3.04  - 27th November 1995

1.  Install now works on old SCO (pre Open Server 5) systems which do not
    support the cp -r option.

2.  Automatic startup scripts are now installed as S88* on SCO systems.

Version 3.03  - 6th November 1995

1.  New authorization code required.

2.  Support for HP-UX 10 added.

3.  nbns now traps SIGHUP.

4.  f95start and f95stop now specify full path for UNIX utilities.

Version 3.02  - 16th October 1995

1.  smbprt.sh - The config file catalog has now been changed to
    /usr/fusion95/cfg (from /usr/roberta/cfg)

2.  fusion95 - menu shell now contains an SMB server option to show open files.

3.  nbns - NetBIOS name services now shipped. Fusion95 will now reply correctly
    to NetBIOS name query and node status requests. It is now no longer
    necessary to configure the Fusion95 server's IP address in the LMHOSTS file
    on the client PCs if they are on the same broadcast network. But is
    broadcasts from the client cannot reach the Fusion95 server, then LMHOSTS
    must still be used.

4.  f95start & f95check & f95stop - These now start/check/stop nbns.

5.  pcserve -f now show the number of files open as wee as the maximum.
    For example: "32 files open of maximum 500 possible"

6.  nbas - NetBIOS Adapter Status, now shipped with Fusion95.

7.  license - No support a maximum of 32 different license codes.

8.  smbprtup - Now uses broadcasts to locate the printer server, prior to
    using gethostbyname() to check DNS and/or /etc/hosts. Earlier versions
    did not use broadcasts, but always called gethostbyname().

9.  Support for SVR4 running on Motorola 88K RISC processors.

10. The default configuration of the spool directory and POWERLan directories
    is not /usr/fusion95 and not /usr/fusion.

11. Support for DG-UX running on AViiON with Motorola 88K RISC processors.

12. Fixes problems with pcserve's -C option.

Version 3.01  - 27th September 1995

1.  First released version