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Reseller Opportunities Available

Due to recent expansions in our product line we are looking for additional resellers. To find out more about joining the April Team send a brief company biography and contact information to us. Contact Info ....

April's Advertising Campaigns

April's reseller program includes among other things advertising campaign. April advertises regularly in a variety of computer magazines around the world. The advertising campaigns are worked out in close cooperation with the reseller for best result.

Examples of magazines April advertises in include INFORMATION WEEK, SYS ADMIN, LINUX JOURNAL and MAXIMUM LINUX in USA, IX-Magazin für professionelle informationstechnik in Germany, DÈCISION - Micro & Réseaux in France and UNIFOCUS, LINUX WORLD and NÄTVERK & KOMMUNIKATION in Sweden.

Click on any advert for close up Advert in Sys Admin Advert in IT Decisions Europa/COMDEX Advert in INFORMATION WEEK Advert in IX Advert in Linux World Advert in Nätverk & Kommunikation
Click on any advert for close up.

Events and Exhibitions

Lars-Ola Jansson & Steve Carter

April attends exhibitions and seminars around the world. One example is the International Tandem Users' Group (ITUG) Summit at the San Jose Convention Center, California USA.

At ITUG Summit April presented their connectivity product Fusion95 for Compaq/Tandem Himalaya NonStop Server.

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