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More about AniTa for Windows
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Terminal Emulator for Windows
Evaluated as the "best Windows terminal emulator for UNIX applications" according to a leading UNIX supplier. Gives new life to text based applications on platforms such as UNIX, Linux and IBM mainframe. Makes a text application look more like a windows application. Runs over WINSOCK (TCP/IP), NetBIOS and Asynchronous transports.

More about AniTa for Windows
      White Paper for Anita

Terminal Emulator for Windows Enterprise Edition
Same as "Terminal Emulator for Windows" (above) with the following additions: SSH transport, LPD Server and tn3270.

More about AniTa in Java

Terminal Emulator in Java
Gives new life to your text based applications, provides a graphical "look" and features such as mouse and color support. Deployable as an Application or as an Applet running in a web browser, on a workstation or LAN / Internet server. Runs on wide range of workstations such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and UNIX as well as on thin-clients.

More about AniTa Android AniTa for Android

Terminal Emulator for Android
Currently in preview status, but available for commercial use. While not yet the complete product with the full set of screen enhancements, it has now been successfully tested and running in a number of commercial environments. Runs on wide range of Android based devices such mobile phones, surf boards and thin-clients.

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